How Much is Your Vote Really Worth?

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In Nigeria’s electoral history, a distinct element that has plagued the system, has been the buying of vote. Citizens give away their golden ticket to the highest bidder.

It makes sense. The cash they give out allows people to send their kids to school, put food on the table, power their generators, or attend to sick loved ones. When you’re in a bind with money, any offer no matter how little can go a long way.

What happens next though? Are jobs created to put your kids through school? Is the grid fixed, so that we’re no longer at the mercy of NEPA’s inconsistency? Is money put into the school system, so that everyone is afforded a a proper education, that could lead to a great job, that could lead to never having to accept an envelope in exchange for a vote?

We’re just asking that you look at the bigger picture here. How far is that envelope really going to take you vs. voting for a candidate with solidly laid out plans that will benefit you in the long run.

Do you really trust the word or the integrity a leader who has to bribe people to secure votes? Do you think he will be willing to stop the corruption in our country prevents you from living a decent, while he’s actively partaking in corruption. How confident is he in his abilities as a leader, if he thinks he has to pay his way to Aso Rock?

So, the next time you get approached, with an envelope to coerce you to vote a certain way, ask yourself how much is your vote really worth?

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» Uncategorized » How Much is Your Vote...
On August 2, 2010

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